Friday, March 21, 2014

After-death Avatars

Give them a real chance to get to know you

A: And what did you do next?

B: Well, I did what any real man would do to win his girl back: I went straight to her father and told him I would marry his daughter—with or without his consent.

A: I can’t believe you really did that, grandpa!

B: Sure. It was the right thing to do, honey. Besides,…

Wouldn't you want for your children and grandchildren to be given the chance to simply get to know the person you used to be, in case you are not physically there anymore? Give them a chance to decide for themselves. GET AN AVATAR NOW!

1 comment:

  1. OK, interesting dialogue. It is very hard to work out, without some more info or context, what it is exactly you are trying to say.
