Friday, March 21, 2014

After-death Avatars

Give them a real chance to get to know you

A: And what did you do next?

B: Well, I did what any real man would do to win his girl back: I went straight to her father and told him I would marry his daughter—with or without his consent.

A: I can’t believe you really did that, grandpa!

B: Sure. It was the right thing to do, honey. Besides,…

Wouldn't you want for your children and grandchildren to be given the chance to simply get to know the person you used to be, in case you are not physically there anymore? Give them a chance to decide for themselves. GET AN AVATAR NOW!

Friday, March 14, 2014

A day in the life of...Monika

Unlike most days, I find myself being not entirely reluctant to the idea of waking up at this early time in the morning, even though I know I have a long day ahead of me. I stay in bed for a few more minutes to soak in the warmth of the sun that shines through the windows before I finally get up and ready to leave for university. It is such a beautiful sunny day that I decide to pass on the tram and continue by foot instead. Luckily, I arrive just in time for my first class and cannot help but notice that most of my fellow students seem to be in a good mood this day as well. 

The nearly eight hours pass quicker than I thought and I am faced with two options: Either going back to an empty apartment and getting some work done or taking a friend up on his offer to give me a ride to my family home in Vienna. Spontaneously, I choose to go with the latter, head home and pack a few things to hit the road. 

After a fun ride with my good friend, I am happy to finally be home and to find my sister about to make one of my favorite desserts: pancakes with ice and fruits.